Internet Marketing & Social Media
Once your business is online it is important to keep your website content active and relevant. Partnering with Square One Marketing can help you achieve your online marketing objectives, and keep your website activity as vibrant as possible.
Search Engine Visibility
Our Search Engine Optimization Packages assist your business in getting recognized by Google®, Yahoo®, MSN®, AltaVista®, Ask®, Bing® and dozens more that are used as local directories and data compilers. Listing your business in directories such as Google Business®, Yelp® and other membership-based web directories allows user interaction, and increases your exposure to potential clients and customers looking for a specific product or service on a local or global level.
Proper keyword analysis, market research, and keyword value play an important role in building an effective marketing program. Analyzing keywords and content is crucial to compiling information about visitors, current customers, repeat visitors, and most importantly, how new visitors found you. Web activity is one of the most effective means of determining whether your active marketing strategy is creating a buzz about your business.
Social Media
Social Media avenues open a direct connection between your business and the general public world-wide. Videos, Blogging and Tweeting are direct channels to stay in touch with your current clients, or to generate new interest in your business.
Email Marketing Campaigns
Building a database of clients, contacts, and leads creates an avenue for business growth. Stay in touch with these leads by utilizing email marketing campaigns. Square One Marketing can coordinate effective email marketing campaigns for your business.